Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Australian Politics: Kevin Rudd Defeats Julia Gillard in a Caucus

Former Prime Minister, for now Minister, but soon will be again the 27th Prime Minister of Australia. In a spill caucus meeting in the Australian Labor Party tonight at 7 P.M. E.ST. time, the party voted that the ex Prime Minister Kevin Rudd should return as the party leader, and become Prime Minister. Three years ago, the same caucus, with a few different ministers, knifed him in the back and ousted him as the sitting Prime Minister. 

Speculation continues as to who will become Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, and Rudd's new chief of staff, and possibly even a new front bench. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Purge, G8 Summit and the Stolen Superbowl Ring Saga!

Recently I was doing my usual internet rounds, when I came across a new movie named the Purge. Quickly, I typed it up on google and opened up the wikipedia article on it. The movie is about a futuristic dystopian United States, in which for twelve hours a year all crime besides killing top level government officials is perfectly legal. Shocked and fascinated at the time, I started to fantasise about all the girls, money and power I could have. I watched the trailer, and then reality started pouring back into my dream world. I mean seriously, crime being legal for twelve hours. I wonder...

"George what do you plan to do this year during the purge."
"The usual sis, I'm going to rape you 10 times, cut you up and then kill you."
"George, don't be silly. Your father would kill you."
"Sis, don't you get it, he's going to rape you too."

"What are you plans for the purge, Jessica."
"Well, I'm going to lock myself away in a hidden place so no one can find me, armed with a 9 millimetre pistol."
"Do you mean this pistol?" !!BANG!!

If the United States ever was to implement this law in, personally I would leave the country, because it is sickening. I might actually go to Russia, seeing how there a much friendly and freer country than the U.S. is now. Did you guys hear about how the NSA leaker is being charged with espionage. Typical. You can't do anything these days without being arrested in the U.S., there so uptight with everything...

"Jacob, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to the toilet."
"No your not, the rules say that you have to ask thirty minutes ahead of time."
"Oh Mrs Matthews, please!"
"Don't say another word. Your punishment is having to pee your pants whilst the whole class watches you. Yes, up there. In front of the class. Thats right. Now pee."

Talking about breaking the rules, did you here about the Russian President. He stole the Superbowl Ring! You just can't do that. Sure, you can invade Afghanistan and Vietnam. You can make Nuclear Weapons and imprison nosy journalists, but you cannot steal the Superbowl ring. The G8 summit just took place recently, and I would wonder what Barack would have said when he saw the Ring.

"Heey Putin Bro, whats happening homee!"
"I am fine Mr Obama, how are you?"
"I'm buggin around driving my benz. How's the Motha Land bro?"
"It is going very well Mr Oba... Give me my ring back!"
"Woaaah, there's no beef between us bro. But what are you doing with a superbowl ring."
"It is mine so give it back now, Mr Obama."

Nonetheless, I think all we learnt from that is Mr Putin's english is much better than Barack Obamas. But that being so, how did he come across the ring. I no for a fact he hasn't been in a Superbowl, and no one sold it to him. So its settled. The KGB took it. There can be no other reasonable scenario. In between assassinating top government officials and stealing secrets from the Apollo program, the KGB mounted a highly secret program. What else could it be? 

~ Josh.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Mother of all Cancer Cures - To block The CD47 Cell.

Researchers might have found the Holy Grail in the war against cancer, a miracle drug that has killed every kind of cancer tumor it has come in contact with.

The drug works by blocking a protein called CD47 that is essentially a "do not eat" signal to the body's immune system, according to Science Magazine.

This protein is produced in healthy blood cells but researchers at Stanford University found that cancer cells produced an inordinate amount of the protein thus tricking the immune system into not destroying the harmful cells.

With this observation in mind, the researchers built an antibody that blocked cancer's CD47 so that the body's immune system attacked the dangerous cells.

So far, researchers have used the antibody in mice with human breast, ovary, colon, bladder, brain, liver and prostate tumors transplanted into them. 
In each of the cases the antibody forced the mice's immune system to kill the cancer cells.

For more information please visit the New York Post Website:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jiroemon Kimura - Oldest living man in history dies

Today I was informed by the internet, in particular my daily rounds at wikipedia that the worlds oldest man died. I no its sad, yes, that someone dies but come on. Seriously, when he was a kid people didn't live to a third of his age. I mean come on, what is this crap. I was looking for serious information. I don't just go onto the internet looking for nothing. I mean he took me off my baby cat searching time of the day, I mean who the hell cares. Well I do suppose hell is caring right now, because there's a 50-50 chance he's going there now.
Trust me people, I have friends In very high places, well in this case low places but you get the idea. 

Right now, heaven and hell are playing poker trying to decide who gets this man. And let me tell you something, what your thinking is wrong. There not playing for who gets him because they want him, there playing for who gets stuck with him. Talking about who where stuck with, how about Hassan Rouhani. Recently he was elected as the next president of Iran. During his campaign to become president he promised to close the ties between with the U.S. and Iran, return to negotiating on nuclear weapons and also to reform the country.

I do of course wonder what he means by close "ties" with the U.S. Is he referring to giving Google and Facebook a free roam around the countries internet. If so, many would consider this a pre-emptive strike as the N.S.A. scandal continues. Can anyone expect any privacy in the world. Now I am forced to stop watching porn on my phone at work, and move my you-no-what out the way of my laptops webcam whenever I'm going at it. COME ON! Can't anyone get some privacy in the world.

"No of course not. Where do you think you are, Mars?"

"No I'm not in Mars, I'm in Iran!" 

~ Josh.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Optical Illusions

Stare at this photo for 30 seconds, and then look at a light coloured surface. You will be surprised with what you see. :)